People are too stupid or stubborn for me to have it be worth it to explain any problems. I wonder what they'll do to me for saying this on my blog. 😅
Also, there are too many.
It seems Cleveland is considered special and I'm under the mercy of superficial rules of my personal thoughts. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone. I do feel vulnerable, though, so I will feel "down" and frustrated. It seems I need to move around if I'm alone, and I need to get away and rest if I'm with people, if I want to stop getting in trouble with the people monitoring me in private for my private thoughts. I honestly think it's unfortunately involved in something, possibly, with either something alien or something "divine." (I'm posting that last sentence on my blog.)
So, I think I'm still pretty mad at the sharp turn that must have been taken at some point saying to myself I won't do something bad to someone, a certain word, when I get mad, so I don't think that I will because the people monitoring me in private think it will help not to say it. I saw a vision of someone like rewiring my brain to think it when mad and I have maybe every day since, in the form I mentioned at least moreso of later times or more lately. So, I'm upset probably it was okay at first and then it wasn't, to think I won't do it, too. It doesn't really matter. I think it's criminal and a sin to act like I can't even think of a curse word and to torment me and ruin my life for it. So, I usually process ... "the truth."
...they "had" to get to me without me being prepared to be nice and understand and feel hurt and thinking some bad words by accident, and it happened throughout the day. Now, I'm in big trouble with them.
The people monitoring me in private think I meant something bad and hurtful and mean against a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with. I didn't. People have been acting like everything is her fault, so it just finally became a critical problem.
They made it so I couldn't check myself and hurt me and of course the blame was going to her. I caught something when I still lived in Orlando where it seems like I thought it was her but didn't mean it. It doesn't "go away..."
Now, the people monitoring me in private think they're all drama like they're everything and all that and I deal with their "trash."
I also see that these things are said not to matter but later are said to be true and not just wandering thoughts.
I seem to be avalanching from some people, too.
They keep acting like my old choir director / organ teacher is saying my dad's youngest sister's daughter's oldest son is being rubbed into me in a bad way and saying I'm nothing. Perverted, too, huh? They ruined my body, in ways, doing this. I was attacked with people using her, too, and she knows I was thinking something jokingly, though I didn't tell her. She did things, too, eventually. I honestly don't remember the order.
Other things are also going on... Like, I showed physical signs of anger in some proximity to the Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with, and supposedly it's over, for me, sometimes like she didn't want me, anyway, but because of this. It's like I'm no longer permitted to have the "relationship." I was made fun of like "a hoot and a holler" that my age is not in sync in "sex" with her because it's only for Late Baby Boomers, and the younger people are all either too old to be their kids or too young to be their kids.
Who knows what else has gone on?
They just come here to pick at stupid things like at least they didn't kill me.
They have nothing to offer as a person, just saying I need to be monitored like something is wrong with me when I got good grades and behavior. Really! They think all these good things I hoped for I don't deserve. They ruined my life. They hate I exist.
This is going too far, I can't ever post it all, at least not all the details.
They think I did something and said they ruined the lady, now. People just can't stop picking at her, and it's over for me for a pathetic reason. It's like I'm selfish, but I'm accomplished. I'm a nice, good person. People make up shit to ruin my day, every day..
People can't find a solution for my life, like I'm punished, when I also haven't done anything wrong. I'm stuck in a group home without enough food or money.. I can't eat what I like. I've been trying to go for a job, but some say to do it and some get angry and say not to, like relatives.
The people monitoring me in private don't care about the circumstance, just blame me for not always being in 1 mood.
The landlady thinks it's okay she didn't tell me someone would move in. I'm not like forgiving and tolerating, cowering down.
People go stupid if I talk of how mean they are to me and if in any "power" make it worse.
They are inconvenient saying I'm bad and think I succumbed.
They just take what the lady does and pick at it to give her more "sex" and ruin it for me, in such a way.
People outside are acting like the lady is getting inappropriately stimulated and she's lost from me. It's as though it's the first time and they're losing it. They are still making fun of me like I want it. They think that the only accomplishment is to say nothing and accept things.
A new roommate is moving in with me, and everyone is acting like a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with did it, and I heard she really had nothing to offer yet took over my underground fame but also got all this "sex" from the world all the time. I even caught wind of an outbreak that she doesn't care about me and the journey I was put on led to nothing but so for others but also that it's like I'm bad and didn't deserve it. Oh, before, I though I would still have my own room, in the group home, and I didn't even want to sleep in the same bed as if I had a husband or share a room.
So, I wasn't warned of things that supposedly got in the way, with this supposed "relationship."
So, I'm fed up, I am not 100% sure of why but know there is potential, and people keep hating on me, like I don't matter.
They keep focusing on her and I suffer, like she is always about to die.
I'm always faced with adversity. My dad supposedly started it. The people monitoring me in private don't care/anymore. They think they are owed everything, when they had ruined my life and blamed me, when clearly it was not me.
I don't have enough money for food, so I may not get as much violin practicing done, napped today, wakes up people at night, so I'm upset.
I wonder if I need to call churches for free food, I get a list but not always there and food not so great. I've not wanted to be out so much lately. I may have to only walk to churches to get it, too, since bus passes are expensive and I didn't get my government money appealed for more back yet.
Since they're not doing anything apparent, maybe we should sometimes just sit with this and talk how stupid it is so they can't alter our thinking in bad ways and be affected. So far, I've been able to turn it off and ignore other people for the most part, but I'm just sitting in my room hearing what's outside, with my earphones on with classical piano music.
When I am proud I'm good with no physical anger in private, they get hysterical and obnoxious and seem "brainless" and think what shit are we here for? Well, it might have been a valid point.
I can't stand when they give me punishment for feeling upset at what others did simply for an extended period of focus and reason.
Also, sometimes I forget it's okay when I'm listening to them and when I think for people to stop they don't.
I guess this is important, after all, though it is really bad to do to anyone. That really gets in my way, should I report this? It's like when I went to the mental hospital, the police already damn know and don't care. My old violin teacher from Poland talked to friends/family on the phone, and they said it is so dangerous in the middle of German and run by Muslims that it's so dangerous the police won't come to help you.
They keep getting mad if I post here or not.
They just keep making fun of me. They are being "stupid" all the time. They are out of control. They have no point. They are being so "stupid." I say something, and they crush me like they are big and "stupid."
I said it! They just act big and "stupid" if I post my problems online and I get much more sometimes, in the end, as a trick to be on bad behavior sometimes but not all, to build suspense.
So, I figured I was fine with what the Late Baby Boomer European lady is doing.
However, people kept saying more things.
I was told I wasn't perfect because I included something she may have said in a point, according to others, whatever happened this one day. So, her "relationship" with me seems to be so it partly stops or lessens and she gets inappropriately stimulated like forever.
They said someone how I don't wanna is gonna restrain me sexually on Friday/s! while she does get stimulated yet maybe inappropriately.
It's like no one else can be stimulated, and everyone is special, but look what happens to me.
Not directing this at the lady, but how stupid really and the mother in me is beat if I post an insecurity having to do with the people monitoring me in private and ruined my life?
Anyway, I just wanted to report the antics of the people monitoring me in private and noticing people going 2 ways about if it's the people monitoring me in private or in the confusing situation really from them.. It was so obnoxious and out there so much etc., the way the people monitoring me in private act, like my dad said to set a disgusting example for me as their excuse for using me to "shit" at.
Because I lived in stupid Orlando and I had a thought, the people monitoring me in private said that means I'm guilty. I was upset they were acting like someone had to say something and I was stupid not to believe it and it seemed like the person would just copy and say the same thing. They acted quite obnoxious like a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with was really mean and so I posted it but maybe not, it was off the limb. I didn't say it, but I'm saying now it looks like they needed it.
The cars said she already forgot about me and went on to someone else, like I did something. This is very traumatic to me, to find it's true. I think it will be denied in how things go, but it may be true. She supposedly was set with me. Whatever it was didn't bother me, but it was a laugh she was so promising and it was over, along with taking things socially in return for ever talking and "tempting" me.
That annoying noise in my house they may have made like maybe an English-Australian lady seem like she's saying something to me all day and for a long timespan kept saying I couldn't meet that lady, probably a message from that lady.
It seems like the lady had to do this, but I am not sure.
These people monitoring my life are really bad, too bad if you can't believe it, joking about not having the "relationship" with the Late Baby Boomer European lady now like I did something and it's "inconvenient."
It seems like they're fine now they made me mad and give me something else to worry about and when they get too old and die they actually forget about me, when their older parental generation doesn't leave them hanging and everyone venerates them and many work in private with their feelings to develop for the world, unless they're socially naked and getting "sex" but in a convenient way etc.
Well, apparently, they want to distract you from what I just said and are trying to test me to say I'm something stupid and annoying etc. like shit in a way. That's also what the lady supposedly said after I was upset about the other older person. ..
They don't want me to think about her? or else I never meet. I am not to communicate they said.
That's not a nice thing to play around with so immaturely. They didn't explain or suggest, they threw thoughts at me! I don't think some people have my best interests at heart and act like everything's gonna be okay, in fact..
Apparently, the Black people of East Cleveland, Ohio went crazy, and supposedly a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with is often having trouble, since becoming underground famous over me, holding in thoughts from inappropriately stimulating her, like it was done on purpose ... but anyway, the people monitoring me in private joined in.
The were really nasty, saying I should be killed in inhuman ways and reiterating she was the one who said I made her want to commit suicide.
Supposedly, someone who knows her was super angry and acted like I would hate to have to have a kid attached to me, which is also a low and dirty thing to tamper with like that and say and act like an animal testing me about. They slammed right at me. It probably is what she said or, like everyone, had to chose from something like a multiple choice, provided by people involved manipulating my life.
They might have gotten overexcited and started talking to me in new known ways.
I think it's people getting overly involved in my life, made boring and uneventful by them in crucial ways, that made them want to dish this out, like, as things settle, it's time to stir something up.
Apparently, the people monitoring me in private are having too many problems to do this. Someone must be blamed. I know people aren't perfect, but I'd wonder about their all exclusive access. Like, why do I end up in trouble for thinking of a curse word and by accident or any small physical reaction when upset and even when in private? I said no one gives a fuck about how they are to me. They think these things mean big punishments. I am right, but, if anything changed from me saying something, it will probably be worse.
They keep acting like nothing just happened and end my "relationship" I'm supposedly supposed to have with a Late Baby Boomer European lady.
They are acting like I'm the one who's out of control and I have to just forget about her so she can live her life before she dies.
Then, they acted like I was stuck with them being shit and maybe that frantic maybe English-Australian lady who keeps trying to take place of that lady.
They are following me more closely and snap at anything as if to show off.
I wonder if they'll stop acting suggestively slow, drawn out, and seductive. They don't believe in me having a variety of moods and don't care if they hurt me. So, the lady they make out like she's being that way, too, and also incapable.
It keeps seeming like they're leaving it to the lady, like she has a dark side and continuously warbles on if she needs to do these mean things to me.
They also say things happen to inconvenience me, saying they are punishing me for the past or "minor setbacks. I am a good person, I only defend myself and get unavoidably provoked on purpose.
Yesterday, because I posted those problems here, they said it would be about this man with a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with not just every Saturday forever but also every day.
They think I have to do whatever they say.
Think how worthless they are being. They're common, superficial psychologists or amateurs.
I keep feeling the people monitoring me in private keep creeping around me and use material of what I thought to form their own original nuisances after me. Now, with their access to me, they have the privilege of learning and applying and misusing my thoughts against me. Sometimes, some people do bad things.
They think they're all that like I'm some shit on a program.
It's like, in the end, I'm pushed away from her and she gets things as a relief from me and in ways takes what was mine. She doesn't have to keep promises amid all her limelight, and I get teased if I have problems because I have a "relationship" with her, anyway, like I don't matter.
No one is a help. I'm pretty frustrated.
I'm supposed to look for the silver lining by myself and get just trash as messages.
Why is this man such a big deal? like in a way that ruins my life and is teased it's when they feel I did something they didn't like, even though I wasn't really bad and was probably private. It was pretty retarded, too. It shouldn't be a problem. I don't know why any excuse like this would be acceptable to snap like I'm a mad animal.
Somehow, every Saturday is dedicated to a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with but along with featuring a man, like to bother me and make the rest of my life "shit" like I did something. It's probably in the hands of the lady.
They don't give a fuck on their part and are tormenting me for feeling upset and whatever I thought when made more upset but also because of somewhat more mild physical reactions of feeling tormented by them in private. I stayed home to avoid trouble as much as possible, and they are ruining my life.
People keep seeing me as a savage beast and paint a different picture of what actually happened and make it seem much worse and in the end always get away with being ridiculous, people sitting on their tushes like there's nothing better for some people to do.
They're stalling time so I can't accomplish.
See, now people ruined it for me. I thought I just faintly caught that a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a relationship with had to forget about me, that she's just "gonna die" and gave our "relationship" for her away to someone else, instead.
Those people knew how delicate these situations are and made it hard for me! No one gives a fuck!
Wait, I heard more. I keep hearing bad news from the cars outside. I feel a picture was painted of me that's clearly mostly fantasized that I am the bad guy. What do I do now? This is no. joke to me. I don't joke about the truth, in ways, because it's wrong.
I'm gonna go eat. I got some more sleep and got tired. I didn't even get to take a shower etc.
I don't know why it's so weird that it's so easy to point fingers at me in Ohio. I know the people monitoring me in private just "drop it like it's hot." They just use my uncertainties to turn them into insecurities.
Everyone around me is such shit. What am I dealing with their sin for?
They are still "just sitting there" not telling me if these noises are just messages and don't care if I feel hurt like something is often bad or not good happening to a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with.
So, I had an idea, but I know it isn't true probably. I remember maybe they made these things seem so anyway.
They get upset if I talk to other people I like a lot like I'm gonna get to talk to a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with and therefore shouldn't. It's just a calendar of her getting inappropriately stimulated with major checkpoints. I notice I still talk to other people.. It's like it's thought of as a good idea, without a sensible explanation. They even reserve people who talk to them but are not me.. Actually, I usually feel pretty alone, abandoned.
It's funny like I'm supposed to ignore stuff and everyone else gets in some hype but sometimes supposedly catastrophically.
I keep waking up to people panicking, sometimes, that a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a relationship with has a problem and like it's collectively my fault and will affect my happiness, like, all the time. They're looking for excitement. They think this is necessary, in fact, but in this case seem rather pathetic. Older people seem able to function despite all odds, while younger people struggle, today. So, I'm wondering "what all the fuss is about." Supposedly, people ganged up on her and inappropriately stimulated her, because her situation she got underground famous over me and they think someone else will do it worse if they don't, but that's just who they are and everyone keeps doing things like this. They are blaming me for my thoughts.
For some reason, I feel the people monitoring me in private are hovering over me like I "just realized something." Something's been bothering me for 8 months, around when my dad died, something I did when I felt bad, nothing really illegal. These people won't leave me alone it feels, like they want to over-effect me, like when the fire detector felt like it was talking at least like every 20 seconds for a few months and that it was a maybe English-Australian lady, trying to displace and take over a "relationship" I was supposedly supposed to have with an Late Baby Boomer European lady. It seems like "no one gives a fuck" about what they do to me because they have the people monitoring me in private to punish me for even accidentally thinking of a curse word because people in school etc. used to a lot. It feels they may ruin me, and my hatred is boiling. I might almost make it, and something they say might set off my day. I have to realize who's really bad and who's really more innocent, so I'm not in the wrong "frame of mind."