Wednesday, October 27, 2021

They keep trying to ruin my life.

I see people are eagerly overly involved.

I keep getting "bad news."

The people monitoring me in private keep swearing they're hypnotized to ruin my life.

With such people, my life has lost having hope.

For some reason, they're creating more problems concerning a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with, interfering and altering me ability to have a successful "relationship" with her.

I wonder if they're helping keep me up.

Some people are just a problem who they are.  It is not to be tampered with unsuccessfully.

They spend a lot of time on me in bad ways for no resaon.

Apparently, the people monitoring me in private are having too many problems to do this.  Someone must be blamed.  I know people aren't perfect, but I'd wonder about their all exclusive access.  Like, why do I end up in trouble for thinking of a curse word and by accident or any small physical reaction when upset and even when in private?  I said no one gives a fuck about how they are to me.  They think these things mean big punishments.  I am right, but, if anything changed from me saying something, it will probably be worse.

They did something to make the Late Baby Boomer European lady ruined forever...

They are making fun of me for it.