Wednesday, November 3, 2021

A new roommate is moving in with me, and everyone is acting like a Late Baby Boomer European lady I'm supposedly supposed to have a "relationship" with did it, and I heard she really had nothing to offer yet took over my underground fame but also got all this "sex" from the world all the time.  I even caught wind of an outbreak that she doesn't care about me and the journey I was put on led to nothing but so for others but also that it's like I'm bad and didn't deserve it.  Oh, before, I though I would still have my own room, in the group home, and I didn't even want to sleep in the same bed as if I had a husband or share a room.

So, I wasn't warned of things that supposedly got in the way, with this supposed "relationship."

So, I'm fed up, I am not 100% sure of why but know there is potential, and people keep hating on me, like I don't matter.

They keep focusing on her and I suffer, like she is always about to die.


I'm always faced with adversity.  My dad supposedly started it.  The people monitoring me in private don't care/anymore.  They think they are owed everything, when they had ruined my life and blamed me, when clearly it was not me.

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