I found the people involved monitoring me in private are throwing me more problems for no reason just to make me dysfunctional and live a life in general of shit.
The people outside keep saying this lady ruined my life. Well, they're going crazy, and they caused the problem, this is not about them. They just want me to feel uneasy about the lady so she can torture me, more than I am.
I keep getting in trouble for posting here.
I'll really be in a situation, and people will take the time to rub it in each time as a topic in general and act like I'm shit like they're badass from the 80s and early 90s.
I know, I get caught up in details until they get mad I think of a bad word by accident.
Anyone can spout anything at me and me be affected and held accountable.
Whatever makes the people monitoring me in private uneasy turns into a war.
They want me to have inappropriate feelings with others.
They are getting personal punishing me for no reason.
Every time I hear something, the people monitoring me in private punish me.
At the time, it comes to that I "don't need it," people inflict.
I end up on the bad side for off topic reasons.
The cars outside say stuff I wouldn't know otherwise.
I am not that mad at people like that lady.
People like to act like the lady did it. It always leads there with their jagged-y eb and flow.
People outside are freaking out like they have a problem when they cause it.
It's wrong to do this to anyone, and they seem to be goofing off bothering me while others are elevated over me by them or others.
I feel in trouble more for posting here and it seems worthless to think I can do anything.
They don't know what I should do if so upset and bothered. My therapist said to get up and leave the room.. but they're still there, even with earplugs/earphones.
They're throwing my life away, like this is it.
They keep attacking me, and the police must know.
I mean just think they actually did it, whatever the reason.
They actually said they hurt the lady too for something they didn't like I did, that showing some physical anger when in private.
People think they will be okay if they are bad but act like I am.